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My Phone Too: Top App’s That Help With Job Search

November 7, 2011

As young professionals I know we are all tech nerds and looking for the easiest way to do things with the touch of a finger. We have come across the top five job search engines that you can download to your iPhone and or Android.


1. JobFinder

2. Job Compass

3. Indeed

4. High Paying Jobs

5. CareerBuilder



1. JobCentrePlus

2. Job Search

3. GetAJob

4. Government Jobs

5. Job search HireADroid

You can find other great job search tips, and tricks for your iPhone here:

Or, for your Android here:

We want it easy we got it but lets not get lazy. Let’s continue to have goals, dreams, and aspirations.

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One Comment
  1. Caryn permalink

    This is so helpful. I don’t know how often im sitting at the doctors office or waiting for someone. Instead of Angry Birds I can now use my time wisely. As with allof the sites, always make sure you have an updated copy of your resume on hand. I keep one in my Dropbox. You never know when you will need it. Dropbox is free by the way and there are apps for Android and iPhone.

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